Donate to Support Oncological Patients
Making IM treatments available to cancer patients, is one of the main reasons for which IMFA was established. Our goal is to ensure that patients dealing with or recovering from life threatening illnesses, and especially cancer, are able to benefit from IM treatments in addition to conventional medicine treatments that they receive. These IM treatments support and complement conventional medicine by tapping on the diseases’ emotional roots and treating them as well.
Cancer continues to be one of the deadliest and most common illnesses in the world. Every year, approximately 30,000 new patients are diagnosed. Many researches around the world have shown a direct and clear correlation between emotional wellness and the disease outbreak. Specifically for cancer, research has identified a direct correlation between emotional trauma and disease outbreak.
Dr. Douglas Brody is a pioneer in researching to understand the correlation between feelings and emotionally stressful situations – and cancer; his work has shown that patients diagnosed with cancer have similar emotional and psychological criteria on the basis of an emotional trauma and emotional injury during a two year period prior to being diagnosed. In his work, Dr. Douglas researched the correlation between cancer and patients’ emotional state, and the tools which can be used to lessen and even cure the disease. From his conclusions, we can see that stress conditions and crises in our lives may cause chronic stress and emotional traumas which encourage our sympathetic nervous system to create cancerous cell growth, as well as tumours and metastatic cancer. When the sympathetic nervous system is aroused continuously, the adrenalin and noradrenaline activate a genetic code which has a power to generate and create several types of pre-cancerous processes.
Many oncological patients experience negative emotional and psychological symptoms including mental pressure and anxiety. These symptoms carry a negative impact on recovering patients and their families and disturb their healing process, making it more difficult to reach a full recovery. The process of recovery from cancer requires a great deal of emotional strength, and treatments that focus on raising the body’s vitality as well as reducing mental and emotional intensity of stress and pressure. Specialized IM treatments are designed to do just that, with accuracy and precision.
In order to achieve our objectives concerning the treatment of cancer patients, IMFA set a goal to support accessibility of IM treatments to cancer patients who are unable to cover the expenses of the treatments they need.
Our budget was calculated on the basis of the funds needed to provide treatments to 5 patients every month, for a 6-month term per patient, through a treatment plan that includes one 6-day full-board workshop and 12 additional individual sessions.
IMFA’s yearly budget estimate for this project is NIS 800,000