Donate to Support Victims of Rape and Sexual Assault
Making IM treatments accessible to women and men who have been sexually assaulted is one of IMFA’s major goals. IM knows how to treat trauma induced by sexual harassment and assault. Sexual assault is much more common than we would like to believe. Before going into detail about the goals and objectives that IMFA has set in this area, we aught to make ourselves a bit more familiar with the horrifying figures:
One out of every three women is sexually assaulted at least once during her lifetime.
The International Health Organization has determined that 35% of all women in the world have endured some type of sexual assault.
In Israel, it is estimated that approximately 84 thousand women are attacked every year. The meaning is that in Israel alone, there are approximately 230 sexual attacks daily.
One of every five women is a victim of rape.
One of every five girls becomes a victim of sexual assault, before reaching the age of 16.
One of every seven children (girls and boys) is raped by someone in their family.
In more tight societies, such as Jewish religious sects and within the Arab population, these figures are considerably higher.
Many of the women, men, girls and boys who suffered any type of sexual attack carry lifelong traumas which impair their ability to live normal lives. Others develop Fibro disease and other conditions when their traumas are left untreated and unprocessed.
IM offers wonderful and efficient tools to treat such traumas and reprocess them in order to release them and begin to live again, with normal functioning capabilities. Regretfully, a large number of victims live in a constant state of crisis and distress, therefore they are not financially stable, and cannot afford any treatments at all.
In order to achieve our objectives concerning the treatment of sexual assault victims, IMFA has set a goal to support accessibility of IM treatments to patients who are unable to cover the expenses of the treatments they need.
Our budget was calculated on the basis of the funds needed to provide treatments to 5 patients every month, for a 6-month term per patient, through a treatment plan that includes one 6-day full-board workshop and 12 additional individual sessions.
IMFA’s yearly budget estimate for this project is NIS 800,000