Medical Care Towers LTD
Medical-Care provides Integrative Medicine treatments and workshops, using the InHeal method, a new therapeutic approach developed by Medical-Care. Whether you are healthy, dealing with an illness, or experiencing a difficult complex healing process of any type, in Medical-Care you will find a treatment plan that is right for you. We assembled a broad and precise selection of six-day transformative workshops, tailored to meet the needs of – and provide care to – people dealing with a variety of health challenges: oncology patients in all stages of the condition and recovery, Fibromyalgia and other autoimmune diseases, PTSD, and also healthy people who discovered the connection between their body and their mind and spirit, and who wish to treat their anxiety and trauma in order to free themselves of their negative influence on life, and to enhance their wellness by taking preventive measures.
The unique InHeal method, which was developed by Medical-Care, is comprised of a structured process designed to provide support, guidance, empowerment and professional help in the process of dealing with hidden and untreated trauma and anxiety, and with the consequences of therapy avoidance that patients experience in their every-day lives. This method constitutes a universal tool to treat trauma, and it uses emotional and energetic therapeutic methods that help patients to release their trauma from the subconscious, to deal with it and to solve it, thereby lessening its negative influence and implications on their life and health.
InHeal is a unique method that is composed of three major segments:
- A personal and accurate therapeutic process individually tailored to meet the specific needs of each participant, using a variety of Integrative Medicine therapeutic methods to strengthen the body’s vitality and at the same time to enhance the mental and spiritual resilience and promote healing.
- Personal guidance throughout the process, received by an integrative psychologist who is committed to the plan and who ensures progress from one stage to another.
- Group Support, that enables participants to let go of their inhibitions, and that legitimizes blameless deep processes that participants experience in the workshops.
InHeal is a structured method of internal cleaning and healing in 3 stages and 5 elements:
- Stage one: empowerment and shedding of defences – we will strengthen our body’s vitality and we will raise its level of available energy, using therapeutic methods which help us shed away our defences as a preparation for uncovering our disease’s or our trauma’s emotional roots.
- Stage two: uncovering emotional roots – we will relive our trauma using deep emotional therapeutic methods, and we will deal with it in a corrective and healing manner, through which we will learn to free ourselves of our shame and guilt.
- Stage three: integration – we will process our trauma again, and we will create new behavioral patterns that will enable us to live a healthier life with awareness and understanding of our trauma. We will receive a comprehensive set of tools to deal with our new awareness in everyday life, including post-workshop support with continued treatments that will enable us to return to normal functionality and quality of life.
- Continued guidance by the plan manager, an integrative psychologist – who will help us reflect on the process that we are going through, and also to progress from a state of confusion and stress to a new state of clear thinking and understanding.
- Intimate support groups – the workshops take place in intimate, supportive and empowering groups. The legitimization that participants offer to one another enables participants to achieve the completion of their therapeutic processes while neutralizing feelings of shame and fear which usually pose serious blockages and interferences to healing